


  1. Souma Jinno, Shuji Kitora, Hiroshi Toki, and Masayuki Abe, ” Quantitative Analysis of Normal Mode and Antenna Mode Coupling in Two-Conductor Transmission Line Using Electromagnetic Potentials”, submitted.
  2. Fengxuan LiDaiki KatsubeZhuo DiaoHayato YamashitaMasayuki Abe, “STM study of unusual link structure formation on rutile TiO$_2$(110)-(1$¥times$2) surface induced by water adsorption and low-temperature annealing”, submitted.



  1. Z. Diao, H. Yamashita, and M. Abe, “Leveraging Large Language Models and Social Media for Automation in Scanning Probe Microscopy” submitted. (also submitted to arXiv, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2405.15490).
  2. Zhuo Diao, Keiichi Ueda, Linfeng Hou, Fengxuan Li, Hayato Yamashita, Masayuki Abe*, “AI-equipped scanning probe microscopy for autonomous site-specific atomic-level characterization at room temperature” Small Methods, 2400813 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.202400813.
  3. Oscar Custance*, Emiliano Ventura-Macias, Oleksandr Stetsovych, Carlos Romero-Muniz, Tomoko Shimizu, Pablo Pou, Masayuki Abe, Hironobu Hayashi, Tadakatsu Ohkubo, Shigeki Kawai, Ruben Perez, “Structure and defect identification at self-assembled islands of CO2 using scanning probe microscopy”, ACS nano Vol. 18, pp. 26759-26769 (2024), doi: 10.1021/acsnano.4c07034.
  4. 8. K. Ueda*, Z. Diao, L. Hou, H. Yamashita, and M. Abe, “Existence probabilities of single Si atoms diffusing in Si(111)-(7 × 7) half-unit cells at room temperature”, Applied Physics Letters Vol. 125, 041604 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0214330.


  1. 辻明宏, 山下隼人, 久冨修, 阿部真之, 第24回日本光生物学協会年会ポスター賞, 「高速原子間力顕微鏡により可視化された転写因子PhotozipperのDNA上での一分子ダイナミクスとその青色光による変化」, 2024年8月7日
  2. Kyungmin Kim, JVSS Student Award, The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science, 2024/11/30
  3. Kyungmin Kim, Student Prize Award, The 10th International Symposium on Surface Science, 2024/10/23
  4. 金 庚民, 海外論文発表奨励賞, 生産技術振興協会, 2024/10/11
  5. 金 庚民, 最優秀発表賞受賞, 第10回インタラクティブ交流会, 2024/08/29
  6. Kyungmin Kim, Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting 2024, selected as a young scientist delegation from Japan. 2024/6/30



  1. Diao Zhuo, Linfeng Hou and Masayuki Abe “Probe conditioning via convolution neural network for scanning probe microscopy automation”, Applied Physics Express, Vol.16, 085002 (2023), DOI 10.35848/1882-0786/acecd6
  2. Daiki Katsube, Naoki Origuchi, Motoyasu Maeda and Masayuki Abe, “Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of Fe deposited SrTiO3(100)-(R13xR1)-R33.7°surface”, Journal of the Ceramics Society of Japan, Vol. 131, 665-668 (2023), https://doi.org/10.2109/jcersj2.23068
  3. Keiichi Ueda, Diao Zhuo, Linfeng Hou, Hayato Yamashita, and Masayuki Abe, “Time-reduction imaging method for scanning-probe microscopy using a compressed sensing algorithm based on sequential reconstruction method”, Journal of the Ceramics Society of Japan, Vol. 131, PP 645-650 (2023), https://doi.org/10.2109/jcersj2.23042
  4. Z. Diao, K. Ueda, L. Hou, H. Yamashita, O. Custance, M. Abe, “Automatic Drift Compensation for Nanoscale Imaging Using Feature Point Matching”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 122, 121601 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0139330
  5. D Katsube, R. Shimizu, Y. Sugimoto, T. Hitosugi, and M. Abe, “Identification of OH groups on SrTiO3(100)-(R13xR13)-R33.7° reconstructed surface by non-contact atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 122, 071602 (2023), DOI: 10.1063/5.0139493
  6. K. Ohara, T. Moriwaki, K. Nakazawa, T. Sakamoto, K. Nii, M. Abe and Y. Ichiyanagi, “Development of biocompatible Ni-ferrite nanoparticles with PEG-coated for magnetic hyperthermia”, AIP Advance Vol.13, p.025238 (2023)


  1. 金 庚民、基礎工学研究科長賞



  1. Shinya Yamahira, Ryuji Misawa, Takahiro Kosaka, Mondong Tan, Shin Izuta, Hayato Yamashita, Yuji Heike, Akimitsu Okamoto, Teruyuki Nagamune, Satoshi Yamaguchi “Photoactivatable Materials for Versatile Single-Cell Patterning Based on the Photocaging of Cell-Anchoring Moieties through Lipid Self-Assembly” Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 29, 13154–13162 (2022)
  2. A. Tsuji, H. Yamashita, O. Hisatomi and M. Abe, “Dimerization processes for light-regulated transcription factor Photozipper visualized by high-speed atomic force microscopy”, Scientific Reports Vol.12, 12903 (2022)
  3. S. Jinno, S. Kitora, H. Toki, and M. Abe: “A Time-Domain Three-Dimensional Numerical Method for Comprehensive Common-Mode Analysis of Electric Circuits in Inhomogeneous Media”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility Vol., pp.1-9 (2022), DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2022.3199473
  4. M. Abe, H. Yamashita, S. Jinno1, O. Custance, and H. Toki, “Reduction of noise induced by power supply lines using phase-locked loop”, Review of Scientific Instruments Vol.93, p113704 (2022)
  5. Kyungmin Kim, Shingo Genchi, Shiro Yamazaki, Hidekazu Tanaka, and Masayuki Abe, “Crystal orientation dependence of metal–insulator transition for VO2 microwires fabricated on TiO2((110) substrates with step and terrace structures”, Applied Physics Express Vol.15, 045503 (2022)


  1. 勝部大樹、大野真也、稲見栄一、吉越章隆:””超音速酸素分子線を用いたアナターゼ型TiO2(001)表面の酸素欠損の修復”, 表面と真空 Vol. 65, No. 11, pp.526–530 (2022), https://doi.org/10.1380/vss.65.526
  2. 阿部真之、神野崇馬、木虎秀二、土岐博:”電磁ノイズの発生メカニズムと時間分解解析”, EMC No.409, pp.82-89 (2022)



  1. D. Katsube, S. Ohno, S. Takayanagi, S. Ojima, M. Maeda, N. Origuchi, A. Ogawa, N. Ikeda, Y. Aoyagi, Y. Kabutoya, K. Kim, L. Hou, F. Li, Y. Tsuda, H. Yoshida, S. Nishi, T. Sakamoto, E. Inami, A. Yoshigoe, and M. Abe: “Oxidation of Anatase TiO2(001) Surface Using Supersonic Seeded Oxygen Molecular Beam”, Langmuir Vol.37, 12313(2021), DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c01752
  2. H. Yamamura, T. Hagiwara, Y. Hayashi, K. Osawa, H. Kato, T. Katsu, K. Masuda, A. Sumino, H. Yamashita, R. Jinno, M. Abe, and A. Miyagawa: “Antibacterial Activity of Membrane-Permeabilizing Bactericidal Cyclodextrin Derivatives”, ACS Omega, Vol.6, 31831(2021). https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.1c04541
  3. S. Ishihara, Y. Sasagawa, T. Kameda, H. Yamashita, M. Umeda, N. Kotomura, M. Abe, Y. Shimono, I. Nikaido: “Local states of chromatin compaction at transcription start sites control transcription levels”, Nucleic Acids Research, Vol.49, 8007(2021), https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkab587
  4. Kitora, S. Jinno, S. H. Toki, and M. Abe: “Relation of Integro-Partial Differential Equations with Delay Effect Based on the Maxwell Equations to the Heaviside and Pocklington Equations”, IEEE Access, Vol. 9, 66781(2021), DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3076931
  5. S. Jinno, S.Kitora, H. Toki and M. Abe, “The time domain numerical method of three-dimensional conductors including radiation with lumped parameter circuit”, Scientific Reports, 11, 4598 (2021)
  6. H. Kashida, K. Nishikawa, W. Shi, T. Miyagawa, H. Yamashita, M Abe, H. Asanuma, “A helical amplification system composed of artificial nucleic acids”, Chemical Science, Vol.12, 1656(2021)
  7. S. Sotoma, C. Zhong, J. Chen, Y. Kah, H. Yamashita, T. Plakhotnik, Y. Harada, M. Suzuki, “In situ measurements of intracellular thermal conductivity using heater-thermometer hybrid diamond nanosensors”, Science Advances, Vol.7,(2021), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd7888


  1. 日本国特許第6846056号、発明の名称:「スキャナ及び走査型プローブ顕微鏡」、発明者:山下隼人、阿部真之、2021年3月3日
  2. 米国特許第10,884,022号、発明の名称:「スキャナ及び走査型プローブ顕微鏡」、発明者:山下隼人、阿部真之、2021年1月5日
  3. 中国特許第6846056号、発明の名称:「スキャナ及び走査型プローブ顕微鏡」、発明者:山下隼人、阿部真之、2021年9月21日
  4. 欧州特許第3570045号、発明の名称:「スキャナ及び走査型プローブ顕微鏡」、発明者:山下隼人、阿部真之、2021年12月1日


  1. 受賞者名:辻明宏、賞の名称:日本生物物理学会学生発表賞、演題:「bZIP型転写因子Photozipperにおける光誘起二量体形成過程の高速AFM観察」(“High-speed AFM observation on the light-induced dimerization of a bZIP transcription factor, Photozipper”)、第59回日本生物物理学会年会、オンライン口頭発表、2G11A、2021年11月26日
  2. 受賞者名: K. Kim, 賞の名称:Like It! Award, 受賞論文: “Atom switch by STM current on SrTiO3(100)-(√13 × √13) surfaces”, International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices ’21, Online(Poster), 2021.10.20



  1. S. Kitora, S. Jinno, H. Toki, and M. Abe, “A Time-Domain Numerical Method for Multi-Conductor Coaxial Lines Using the Exact Retarded Potential Integral Equations”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.63, pp.1223-1230 (2020), doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2020.3032788
  2. S. Jinno, S.Kitora, H. Toki and M. Abe, “The time domain numerical method of three-dimensional conductors including radiation with lumped parameter circuit,” Scientific Reports, vol. 11, 4598 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83916-4
  3. S. Kitora, S. Jinno, H. Toki, and M. Abe, “Relation of Integro-Partial Differential Equations with Delay Effect Based on the Maxwell Equations to the Heaviside and Pocklington Equations”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (Early Access) (2020). https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2020.3032788
  4. S. Jinno, S.Kitora, H. Toki and M. Abe, “Time-Domain Ringing Noise Analysis Induced inTransmission Lines using the Common and Normal Mode Concepts,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 48, 1426–1435 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/cta.2841
  5. Y. Kaneshige, F. Hayashi, K. Morigaki, Y. Tanimoto, H. Yamashita, M. Fujii, A. Awazu, “Affinity of rhodopsin to raft enables the aligned oligomer formation from dimers: Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of disk membranes”, PLoS ONE, 15(2) (2020), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226123
  6. Yamashita, N. Handa, Y. Higashiura, and M. Abe: “Flexure structural scanner of tip scan type for high-speed scanning tunneling microscopy”, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Vol.18, pp146-151 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1380/ejssnt.2020.146
  7. Jinno, S. Kitora, H. Toki, and M. Abe: “Origin of common-mode noise in two-dimensional finite-size circuit and reduction of the noise using a symmetric three-line circuit”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1002/cta.2788
  8. Daiki Katsube, Shoki Ojima, Eiichi Inami, Masayuki Abe, “Atomic-resolution imaging of rutile TiO2(110)-(1 × 2) reconstructed surface by non-contact atomic force microscopy”, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 11, pp.443-449 (2020)


  1. 出願番号 : 特願:2020-144998、発明者:阿部真之、土岐博、神野崇馬、木虎秀二 発明の名称:「電気回路の シミュレーション方法、及びプログラム」出願人 : 国立大学法人大阪大学 出願日2020-08-28
  2. 特許第6685044号, 発明の名称:「電気回路」



  1. S. Jinno, S. Kitora, H. Toki, and M. Abe: “Time-domain Formulation of a Multi-layer Plane Circuit Coupled with Lumped-parameter Circuits using Maxwell Equations”, Sci. Rep. Vol.9, 17891 (2019), https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-53288-x
  2. S. Jinno, S. Kitora, H. Toki, and M. Abe: “Mechanism of Common-mode Noise Generation in Multi-conductor Transmission Lines”, Sci. Rep. Vol.9, 15036 (2019), https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-51259-w
  3. M. Hashimoto, S. Kitaoka, M. Furuya, H. Kanetaka, K. Hoshikaya, H. Yamashita, and M. Abe: “Enhancement of cell differentiation on surface potential-controlled nitrogen-doped TiO2 scale”, J. Ceramic Soc. Jpn. Vol.127, pp.636-641 (2019), https://doi.org/10.2109/jcersj2.19114
  4. S. Ojima, D. Katsube, H. Yamashita, Y. Miyato, S. Abo, and M. Abe, “Surface structure switching between (1×1) and (1x 2) of rutile TiO2(110) with scanning tunneling microscopy and low energy electron diffraction”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.58, SIIA10 (2019), https://doi.org/10.7567/1347-4065/ab19a3
  5. Y. Miyato, K. Otani, K. Nagashima, and M. Abe: “Ice surface formed in vapor phase at near freezing-point investigated by AFM”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.58, SIIA09 (2019), https://doi.org/10.7567/1347-4065/ab203d
  6. D. Katsube and M. Abe: “”Dual contrast mode” imaging of anatase TiO2(001)-(1×4) reconstructed surface using non-contact atomic force microscopy”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.58, SIIA11 (2019), https://doi.org/10.7567/1347-4065/ab1071
  7. D. Katsube and M. Abe: “Imaging patterns of anatase TiO2(001) with non-contact atomic force microscopy”, Nanotechnology Vol. 30, 215704 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ab02a7
  8. M. Abe and H. Toki: “Theoretical Study of Lumped Parameter Circuits and Multiconductor Transmission Lines for Time-Domain Analysis of Electromagnetic Noise”, Sci. Rep. Vol.9, Article number 118 (2019), DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36383-3


  1. S. Jinno, S. Kitora, H. Toki and M. Abe, “A Mechanism of Simultaneous Switching Noise in Multiple Plane Conductors Using Two Dimensional Transport Theory,” 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Spring (PIERS-Spring), Rome, Italy, 2303-2307, (2019) https://doi.org/10.1109/PIERS-Spring46901.2019.9017874
  2. S. Jinno, S. Kitora, H. Toki, and M. Abe: “Study of Simultaneous Switching Noise in Two-dimensional Transport Theory including Radiation Effect”, 2018 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS Toyama), pp.642-647
  3. S. Kitora, S. Jinno, H. Toki, and M. Abe: “Coupling of Differential and Common Modes of Two-line Circuits in the Multi-conductor Transmission-line Theory Including Radiation”, 2018 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS Toyama), pp.570-574


  1. 出願番号:特願2019-162391, 発明者:山下隼人, 阿部真之, 折口直紀、発明の名称:「走査型プローブ顕微鏡及び走査型プローブ顕微鏡の駆動制御装置」、出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2019年9月5日
  2. 出願番号:特願2019-153049, 発明者:阿部真之, 勝部大樹、吉越章隆、大野真也, 発明の名称:「窒素元素ドープ酸化チタンの製造方法」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学および国立研究開発法人日本原子力研究開発機構、国立大学法人横浜国立大学, 出願日:2019/8/23
  3. 出願番号:16/476426, International Application Number:PCT/JP2017/044060, 発明者:Hyamato Yamashita and Masayuki Abe, 発明の名称:「SCANNER AND SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPE」, 出願人:OSAKA UNIVERSITY, 原出願:特願2017-002183, 出願日:2019/7/8
  4. 出願国:EU, 出願番号:17891868.6, International Application Number: PCT/JP2017/044060, 発明者:Hyamato Yamashita and Masayuki Abe, 発明の名称:「SCANNER AND SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPE」, 出願人:OSAKA UNIVERSITY, 原出願:特願2017-002183, 出願日:2019/8/2
  5. 出願国:中国, 出願番号:2019072400860340, International Application Number: PCT/JP2017/044060, 発明者:Hyamato Yamashita and Masayuki Abe, 発明の名称:「SCANNER AND SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPE」, 出願人:OSAKA UNIVERSITY, 原出願:特願2017-002183, 出願日:2019/7/29
  6. 出願番号:PCT/JP2019/001029, 発明者:阿部真之, 土岐博, 神野崇馬, 木虎秀二, 発明の名称:「電気回路のシミュレーション方法、及びプログラム」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2017/12/7, 原出願:特願2018-057186(2019/1/16出願)
  7. 出願番号:PCT/JP2019/001028, 発明者:阿部真之, 土岐博, 宮内清孝, 発明の名称:「バンドパスフィルタ」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2017/12/7, 原出願:特願2018-039408(2019/1/16出願)


  1. 山下隼人、”高速原子間力顕微鏡によるバクテリア細胞表面の高解像イメージング”、顕微鏡Vol.54, No.2 (2019):Cover art掲載


  1. 受賞名:ポスター賞、応用物理学会関西支部2019年度第2回講演会、”次世代回路設計への応用に向けた高精度電磁ノイズシミュレーターの開発”、大阪大学豊中キャンパス、2019年11月8日、P-09
  2. 干鰯谷和彦、トラベルグラント受賞、第57回生物物理学会年会、2019年9月24日~26日、宮崎県シーガイアコンベンションセンター



  1. D. Katsube and M. Abe: “High-resolution imaging of LaAlO3 (100)-(1×4) reconstructed surface using non-contact atomic force microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.113, p.031601 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5037741
  2. H. Kashida, Y. Hattori, K. Tazoe, T. Inoue, K. Nishikawa, K. Ishii, S. Uchiyama, H. Yamashita, M. Abe, Y. Kamiya, H. Asanuma: “Bifacial nucleobases for hexaplex formation in aqueous solution”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. Vol.4, pp.8456-8462 (2018), DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b02807
  3. E. K. Fodjo, A. Canlier, C. Kong, A. Yurtsever, P. L. A. Guillaume, F. T. Patrice, M. Abe, T. Tohei, A. Sakai: “Facile Synthesis Route of Au-Ag Nanostructures Soaked in PEG”, Advances in Nanoparticles Vol. 7, pp.37-45 (2018)
  4. Masami Hashimoto, Takafumi Ogawa, Satoshi Kitaoka, Shunsuke Muto, Maiko Furuya, Hiroyasu Kanetaka, Masayuki Abe, Hayato Yamashita: “Control of surface potential and hydroxyapatite formation on TiO2 scales containing nitrogen-related defects”, Acta Materialia Vol.155, pp.379-385 (2018)
  5. D. Katsube, H. Yamashita, S. Abo, and M. Abe: “Combined pulsed laser deposition and non-contact atomic force microscopy system for studies of insulator metal oxide thin films”, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., Vol.9, pp.686–692 (2018), doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.63


  1. M. Abe: Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis (Eds. The Surface Science Society of Japan), Chapter 34 “Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy”, pp.201-204, Springer, ISBN-10: 9811061556, ISBN-13: 978-9811061554 (2018)


  1. 出願番号:特願2018-057186, 発明者:阿部真之, 土岐博、神野崇馬, 木虎秀二, 発明の名称:「電気回路のシミュレーション方法、及びプログラム」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2018/3/23
  2. 出願番号:特願2018-039408, 発明者:阿部真之, 土岐博, 宮内清孝, 発明の名称:「バンドパスフィルタ」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2018/3/6
  3. 出願番号:特願2018-038989, 発明者:一柳優子, 橋本達哉, 千本松孝明, 田中秀吉, 阿部真之, 発明の名称:「ナノ微粒子、及びナノ微粒子の製造方法」, 出願人:国立大学法人横浜国立大, 学学校法人埼玉医科大学, 国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構, 国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2018/3/5


  1. 受賞名:Best Student Paper Award 2nd Prize, In Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, August 1-4, 2018, Toyama JAPAN, “Study of Simultaneous Switching Noise in Two-dimensional Transport Theory including Radiation Effect”
  2. 2018年 受賞者:勝部大樹(D2,JSPS特別研究員)、第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会ポスターアワード:”非接触原子間力顕微鏡によるアナターゼ型TiO2(001)(1×4)再構成表面の原子分解能観察”、第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会、2018/3/17-20、早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス、17p-P5-1



  1. A. Yurtsever, M. Abe, S. Morita, and Y. Sugimoto: “An atom manipulation method to substitute individual adsorbate atoms into Si(111)-(7×7) substrate at room temperature”, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.111, 233102 (2017)
  2. S. Jinno, H. Toki, and M. Abe: “Mechanism of common-mode noise and heat generation in an electric circuit with grounding using multiconductor transmission-line theory”, Chinese Journal of Physics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjph.2017.03.002
  3. Ayhan Yurtsever, Delia Fernández-Torre, Jo Onoda, Masayuki Abe, Seizo Morita, Yoshiaki Sugimoto and Ruben Perez: “Local electronic properties of individual Pt atoms adsorbed on TiO2(110) studied with Kelvin probe force microscopy and first-principles simulations”, Nanoscale Vol.9, pp.5812–5821 (2017)
  4. S. Jinno, H. Toki, and M. Abe: “Configuration of Three Distributed Lines for Reducing Noise Due to the Coupling of the Common and Normal Modes”, Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A Vol. 844, pp. 19–23 (2017)


  1. 出願番号:PCT/JP2017/044060, 発明者:山下隼人, 阿部真之, 発明の名称:「スキャナ及び走査型プローブ顕微鏡」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2017/12/7
  2. 出願番号:特願2017-002183, 発明者:山下隼人, 阿部真之, 発明の名称:「スキャナ及び走査型プローブ顕微鏡」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2017/1/10



  1. Ayhan Yurtsever, Jo Onoda, Takushi Iimori, Kohei Niki, Toshio Miyamachi, Masayuki Abe, Seigi Mizuno, Satoru Tanaka, Fumio Komori, Yoshiaki Sugimoto: “Effects of Pb Intercalation on the Structural and Electronic Properties of Epitaxial Graphene on SiC”, Small Vol.12, pp.3956-3966 (2016)
  2. Shuhei Okawaki, Satoshi Abo, Fujio Wakaya, Hayato Yamashita, Masayuki Abe, and Mikio Takai: “Characterization of X-ray charge neutralizer using carbon-nanotube field emitter”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol.55, 06GF10 (2016)
  3. Ayhan Yurtsever, Jo Onoda, Masayuki Abe, Chi Lun Pang, Yoshiaki Sugimoto: “Imaging the TiO2 (011)-(2×1) Surface using Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol.120, pp 3390–3395 (2016)
  4. Hiroshi Toki and Masayuki Abe: “Multiconductor transmission-line theory that includes an antenna process with a lumped-parameter circuit” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol.85, pp.034801-1/-8 (2016)


  1. 阿部真之:ナノ材料解析の実際(編著:米澤徹, 朝倉清高, 幾原雄), 第14章 “原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)”, 講談社, ISBN:978-4-06-154392-8 (2016)


  1. 出願国:PCT全加盟国(含・日本)出願番号:PCT/JP2016/067767, 発明者:阿部真之, 土岐博, 発明の名称:「電気回路における電位、電流、及び周辺電磁界の計算方法、及びプログラム」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2016/6/15, 原出願:特願2015-195118(2015/9/30出願)
  2. 出願番号:特願2016-95138, 発明者:神野崇馬, 土岐博, 阿部真之, 発明の名称:「電気回路」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2016/5/11



  1. S. Yamazaki, K. Maeda, Y. Sugimoto, M. Abe, V. Zobac, P. Pou, L. Rodrigo, P. Mutombo, R. Perez, P. Jelinek, S. Morita: “Interplay between switching driven by the tunneling current and atomic force of a four-atom Si quantum dot by means of scanning probe microscopy” Nano Letters Vol.15, pp.4356-4363 (2015)
  2. Daiki Katsube, Yutaro Takase, Hayato Yamashita, Satoshi Abo, Fujio Wakaya, and Masayuki Abe: “A Preparation Method for Atomically Clean Sapphire Surfaces and High Resolution Topographic Method for Their Imaging by Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy”, Material Transactions Vol.56, No.8 pp.1310-1313 (2015)
  3. Shuhei Okawaki, Satoshi Abo, Fujio Wakaya, Masayuki Abe, and Mikio Takai: “X-ray source using carbon-nanotube field emitter with side-gate electrode”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 54, 06FF10 (2015)
  4. Fujio Wakaya, Tadashi Kurihara, Nariaki Yurugi, Satoshi Abo, Masayuki Abe, and Mikio Takai: “Maskless Laser Processing of graphene”, Microelectronic Engineering Vol.141, pp203-206 (2015)
  5. Delia Fernández-Torre, Ayhan Yurtsever, Jo Onoda, Masayuki Abe, Seizo Morita, Yoshiaki Sugimoto, and Rubén Pérez: “Pt atoms adsorbed on TiO2(110)-(1×1) studied with non-contact atomic force microscopy and first-principles simulations”, Physical Review B Vol.91, 075401 (2015)
  6. Satoshi Abo, Yasuhisa Hamada, Albert Seidl, Fujio Wakaya, Mikio Takai: “Improvement of depth resolution and detection efficiency by control of secondary-electrons in single-event three-dimensional time-of-flight Rutherford backscattering spectrometry”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, vol. 348, 29-33 (2015)


  1. Masayuki. Abe, Yoshiaki Sugimoto and Seizo Morita, Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy vol.3 (Eds. S. Morita, F.J. Giessibl, E, Meyer and R. Wiesendanger), Chap.4 “Manipulation and Spectroscopy Using AFM/STM at Room Temperature”, Springer ISBN-10: 3319155873, ISBN-13: 978-3319155876 (2015)
  2. Y. Sugimoto, M. Abe, and S. Morita: Imaging and Manipulation of Adsorbates Using Dynamic Force Microscopy, Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines (Eds. P. Moriarty and S. Gauthier), Chapter 3 “Atom Manipulation using atomic force microscopy at room temperature”, pp. 49-62, Springer, ISBN-10: 3319174002, ISBN-13: 978-3319174006 (2015)


  1. 阿部真之、土岐博:”電磁ノイズ削減へ向けた挑戦”, 生産と技術, Vol.67, No.4, pp.48-53 (2015)


  1. 出願番号:特願2015-195118, 発明者:阿部真之, 土岐博, 発明の名称:「電気回路における電位、電流、及び周辺電磁界の計算方法、及びプログラム」, 出願人:国立大学法人大阪大学, 出願日:2015/9/30


  1. 二瓶恵, ナノ構造情報のフロンティア開拓第3回若手の会増本賞銀賞



  1. Shuji Kitora, Masayuki Abe, and Hiroshi Toki: “Electromagnetic Noise in Electric Circuits: Ringing and Resonance Phenomena in the Common Mode”, AIP advances vol.4, 117119-1/-6 (2014)
  2. Stefan Kuhn, Markus Kittelmann, Yoshiaki Sugimoto, Masayuki Abe, Angelika Kühnle, and Philipp Rahe: “Identifying the absolute orientation of a low-symmetry surface in real space”, Physical Review B vol.90, pp.195405-1/-12 (2014)
  3. Kohei Yamasue, Masayuki Abe, Yoshiaki Sugimoto, and Yasuo Cho: “Atomic-dipole-moment induced local surface potential on Si(111)-(7×7) surface studied by non-contact scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105, 121601-1/-3 (2014)
  4. Masataka Suzuki, Kohei Yamasue, Masayuki Abe, Yoshiaki Sugimoto, and Yasuo Cho: “Atomic-resolution study of electric dipoles on a Si(100)-2×1 surface by non-contact scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy”, Applied Physics Letters, vol.105, pp.101603-1/-3 (2014)
  5. Yoshiaki Sugimoto, Ayhan Yurtsever, Naoki Hirayama, Masayuki Abe, and Seizo Morita: “Mechanical gate control for atom-by-atom cluster assembly with scanning probe microscopy”, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5360, (2014)
  6. Satoshi Abo, Ri Pei, Yao Xin Yuan, Fujio Wakaya and Mikio Takai: “Analysis technique for ultra shallow junction using medium energy ion scattering time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis”, Surface and Interface Analysis, vol. 46, pp. 1192-1195 (2014)


  1. Yoshio Yamada, Satoshi Abo, Fujio Wakaya, Katsuhisa Murakami, Masayuki Abe, Mikio Takai: “Observation of Fringelike Emission Pattern in Magnetic Field”, Proceedings of The International Display Workshops Volume 21 (IDW ’14), pp. 599-601 (2014)